The 10 Fundamentals for Growing Forward Leadership

A Leaders Guide for Thriving in Today’s Challenging Times

Today’s leaders are faced with business challenges as tough as any over the past 35 or more years. In order to provide the needed leadership for their organization’s success, leaders today need to demonstrate some fundamental leadership skills and behaviors.

To date, we have reviewed three fundamentals:

1 – Work Hard (and Smart) and Perform

2 – Radiate Confidence and Optimism

3 – Enlist and Enroll vs. Command and Control

Today, we will review the fourth fundamental behavior that Growing Forward Leaders must model for their team during challenging times; as well as for when things may not always be going as well as planned.

Growing Forward Leaders need to: Drive Change and Innovation

Tough times usually present the best opportunity to drive change and innovation. Leaders need to champion change and enlist others to be change agents. A sense of urgency is needed to adapt, change and innovate. Change is hard and usually only happens when the pain of staying the same is greater than changing. Are you feeling enough pain yet?

Let’s look at the main reasons that keep ups keep us from changing.

1. Too Comfortable We are too familiar and comfortable with the way things are now. Or, we just don’t know any better or we have a fear of or a reluctance to change

2. Bad Soil and or Seed Our seeds (as in systems or processes) are sown in poor soil (lack of processes) so we have little infrastructure to support sustainable growth. So when there is stress put on the organization, as in a recession, we tend to fall backward in revenue and profit due to a lack of solid systems and processes being in place. Bad soil!

If we have no roots (solid systems or processes) there are no shoots (sustainable growth), and with no shoots there is little or no fruit (sustainable growth and profits)

3. Distractions We are distracted with day-to-day stuff that keeps our head down. (We are working in the business not on the business, sounding familiar?)

We lose focus on the important non-urgent areas like planning, people development and client relations. Instead, our daily tasks become fire fighting and reacting to problems.

OK, Growing Forward Leaders Ask Yourself:

What have you changed in the last year to become a better leader in these challenging times? If you haven’t changed recently what one change would help you to become a better leader? What are you doing about it?

What is the most innovative thing you have done to be a better leader?

To be a better organization?

So, please remember this all of you leaders out there:

“Change or Be Changed, Changed Out”

Harvester Bill

If you are not changing and innovating you will be passed up on the path to success. Please feel free to contact us on helping you with ways that will change the way you think, act and behave to become a Growing Forward Leader.

Suggested Reading: “Our Iceberg is Melting” by John Kotter

Bill Arman

worked for and helped grow one of the biggest landscape outfits in the country. He’s seen how the big boys do it, how their systems and structures work. So his know-how is rooted in recruiting, hiring, training and growing great people—that along with quality assurance. Bill, alone, has gone on 15,000 quality site visits in his career. Nobody else has that, not that we know of anyway. He received Lawn and Landscape/ Bayer Environmental Science's 2006 Leadership Award. Read Bill's full bio.


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