Strengthen Your Business with a Harvest Peer Group

Have you ever considered joining a peer group to help grow your business? Choosing the right peer group can be overwhelming, with so many options available. How do you know which one is the best fit for you?

Or are you in a peer group that isn’t meeting your needs?

  • Is the group too big or impersonal?
  • Are your specific needs being overlooked?
  • Does it not align with your company’s specialty?

If any of these points resonate with you, it might be time to consider joining a Harvest Peer Group. Our groups focus specifically on companies specializing in Design/Build Services, both residential and commercial. Additionally, we cater to those offering high-end residential Fine Gardening services or looking to diversify by adding these services.

Why Choose a Harvest Peer Group?

Design/Build work is fundamentally different from providing commercial maintenance services. It demands a distinct mentality, focus, and structure. Success in this field requires the right business framework, a strong team, and robust systems and processes. This is where a specialized peer group can make a significant difference.

By joining a Harvest Design/Build Peer Group, you can expect:

  • Small Group Sizes: 6-8 members to ensure personalized attention.
  • Similar-Sized Companies: Engage with peers who share similar business dynamics.
  • Focused Discussions: Conversations and learning opportunities centered on Design/Build.
  • No Direct Competitors: Members from different geographic regions to maintain confidentiality and openness.
  • Benchmarking: Compare your company’s results with those of other design/build companies.
  • Expert Facilitation: Guidance by Jud Griggs, bringing over 45 years of experience in the design/build specialty area.

Meet Your Peer Group Leader

Jud Griggs leads our peer groups. With over 45 years of experience in the Design/Build segment of the green industry, Jud brings unparalleled expertise and insight. He has managed divisions of leading design/build companies, including:

  • Lieds Landscape Design and Development
  • Smallwood Landscaping
  • Lambert Landscape Company

Jud has personally overseen more than $75M in Design/Build sales and managed over 120 design/salespeople. He has also developed marketing programs that increased revenue by over 30% in a single year.

Invest in Your Company’s Future

Now is the time to invest in your company’s future success by joining a Harvest Design/Build peer group.

For more information on joining, please contact Jud Griggs at [email protected].


Networking with like-minded businesses who aren’t competitive with you can accelerate the process of improvement. Many of you are feeling the pain of:

  • Rising costs
  • Inflation
  • Hiring

By being part of a select group of Design/Build Professionals focused on growing and improving their businesses, you will be better able to meet those challenges as a team than you would individually.

The groups will be small (6-8 members maximum) to ensure you will be heard and be able to take a deep dive into your company’s challenges and how best to improve them.

The inaugural group will be an invitation-only group to ensure you will be working with other similar-sized and focused companies.


You may have considered or already belong to a maintenance and construction peer group, but not one specific to design/build and led by Jud Griggs with over 45 years Design/Build experience and perspective.

Jud has worked for leading design/build companies including –

  • Lied’s Landscape Design and Development
  • Smallwood Landscaping
  • Lambert Landscape Company

Jud has personally managed more than $75M in D/B sales. He has also managed over 120 design/salespeople over his career along with managing the operations side of the companies he has worked with. Additionally, Jud developed marketing programs that increased revenue by over 30% in one year. As past president of ALCA (now NALP), Jud was able to develop great working relationships with some of the best and brightest leaders in the industry and learn from them.

Jud and his fellow Head Harvesters can provide you with the tools you need to improve:

  • The structure your D/B company
  • Your Company Culture
  • Performance management
  • Estimating and pricing
  • P&L set-up
  • Financial benchmarks
  • Measuring your success
  • Systems and processes
  • Interviewing and hiring
  • D/B software solutions
  • Marketing
  • Adding maintenance to your service offerings
  • Training
  • Equipment (lease vs. rent vs. buy)


Beyond Jud, you will have the full resources of the Harvest Group available to you. You will benefit from “Harvest Horsepower” On-call Expertise in:

  • Human Resources
  • Buying and selling your business
  • Website development
  • Social media
  • Maintenance

Other Value-added services

  • Social media posts
  • Press releases
  • Writing articles for local publications