A Leaders’ Guide for Thriving in Today’s Challenging Times

Today’s leaders are faced with business challenges as tough as any over the past 35 plus years. In order to provide the needed leadership for their organization’s success, leaders today need to demonstrate some fundamental leadership skills and behaviors.

Today, we will review a key fundamental behavior that “Growing Forward Leaders” must model for their team during challenging times and for when things may not always be going the right way, or perhaps as well as planned.

If you missed the first fundamental, Work Hard (and smart) and Perform, visit The Harvest Group website to read it.

Fundamental 2:  Radiate Confidence and Optimism

“Growing Forward Leaders” show no fear (don’t let them see you sweat…too much).
They are strong believers in the organization, committed to success, urgent yet not reckless, and they stay cool and calm even in troubled waters. The truly successful leaders that we have observed keep the troops calm and focused and show an even- temper and display poise. This reassures others and commands respect.

In today’s challenging times, things often don’t go right. There may even be some serious setbacks. The team members will look toward their leader to see how the leader deals with setbacks.

Remember that fear and pessimism will make the situation worse. If the leader is unpredictable, overreacting or defensive, it will only upset and distract the team.

“Growing Forward Leaders” must exude HOPE. Not the wishful or unsure type of hope, but the “strong and confident expectation” type of hope.

Hope is about trust and confident expectation. “Growing Forward Leaders” exude HOPE every time there is an opportunity.

OK, “Growing Forward Leaders” ask yourself:


What do you radiate?

What levels do you radiate confidence (not arrogance) and optimism?

How do people perceive you? Optimist, pessimist or realist?

Ask your people what they think you radiate.

Bill Arman

worked for and helped grow one of the biggest landscape outfits in the country. He’s seen how the big boys do it, how their systems and structures work. So his know-how is rooted in recruiting, hiring, training and growing great people—that along with quality assurance. Bill, alone, has gone on 15,000 quality site visits in his career. Nobody else has that, not that we know of anyway. He received Lawn and Landscape/ Bayer Environmental Science's 2006 Leadership Award. Read Bill's full bio.

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