Look in on a discussion the Harvesters are having at the GIC in Louisville, KY in October 2014. They will give us reminders about the key elements of a safety program.
Is your safety training program in place for 2015? If not, contact PLANET for their 100 safety tailgate meetings. You can also join their STARS program. If you’re not a member, then maybe it’s time to join!
While you’re planning your new years resolutions, why not plan on trying the Harvest Academy? It’s only $10.00 for the first month and you get Harvester Ed’s CD from his book “Green Side Up; Straight Talk on Growing a Profitable Landscaping Business”. It’s a $30.00 value, and it’s yours for FREE!
Are you thinking it’s too cheap to be good? Think again. The Harvesters want to make it really affordable, so all landscapers can “Harvest Their Potential”.
Enjoy your holidays and have a safe, happy and prosperous new year!