What Gets Measured Gets Improved!
Peter Drucker, the renowned management consultant, is often credited with the saying, “What gets measured gets improved.” This idea is widely accepted in business because measuring something focuses attention on it. That awareness can drive accountability and improvement among everyone involved.
The key question is — what specific indicators (KPI’s) should be tracked in the lawn and landscape industry? With so many possibilities, prioritizing the right metrics is crucial.
Harvesters Bill and Ed discuss key indicators in this week’s Friday video. Watch and learn which ones we feel are most important to measure. As you watch, reflect on which ones resonate with you. Which metrics will make the biggest impact on your goals this year? Identifying the right indicators is a personal and strategic decision that aligns with your company’s objectives.
To truly Harvest Your Potential, it’s essential to faithfully track the key indicators you choose. Consistent measurement not only provides insight but also creates a framework for progress. By focusing on the metrics that matter, you can ensure your goals are achieved with greater clarity, effectiveness and hopefully – higher profits.