Watch this week as the Harvesters talk about whether or not your customers are always right. Or could it be you just don’t have the right customers?

They are going to talk about a pretty cool tool they created called the “Harvest Customer Selection Criteria”. This will really help to avoid the customers that someone else should really be taking care of.

At the end of the video there’s going to be a link so you can download the tool.

P.S. The three winners of the book “The One Thing” we talked about last week were: Dave from Branchville, NJ, Cliff from New Castle, OH and Kevin from Richlands, NC. For those who tried to win but didn’t, we have more opportunities coming up. Stay tuned!

Please fill out the form below to receive the Client Selection Criteria.

Learn more about the Harvest Way Academy

Ed Laflamme LIC

started his own business from scratch, built it up, sold it and then wrote a book about how he did it. So, he’s been there. He understands your frustrations, worries and concerns. Some of you may want to buy companies, while others may want to sell the one you own. You need expert assessment and guidance before you can move forward. Ed has experience in this area. He is recognized as a CLP: Certified Landscape Professional. Read Ed's full bio.