Autonomous Mowers are Coming!


In the spirit of innovation, The Harvesters are always on the lookout for innovation that helps landscape contractors be more productive and efficient in their businesses. We found it while at the Equip Expo show in Louisville, KY in October. One new item is the Honda 60-inch autonomous mower.

While there are a number of brands in this new space, Honda’s was a complete surprise. In this week’s video, Harvesters Bill and Ed talk to Nathaniel, one of the Honda engineers working on this project, about some of the features of their new 60-inch autonomous mower and what they have planned for 2023. When will it be released on the market? Watch the video and find out!

Staying in the forefront of innovation is important for your business, so if you want to Harvest Your Potential keep watching our videos and we’ll make sure you don’t miss anything. Well, we’ll try not to, 😀


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Ed Laflamme LIC

started his own business from scratch, built it up, sold it and then wrote a book about how he did it. So, he’s been there. He understands your frustrations, worries and concerns. Some of you may want to buy companies, while others may want to sell the one you own. You need expert assessment and guidance before you can move forward. Ed has experience in this area. He is recognized as a CLP: Certified Landscape Professional. Read Ed's full bio.