After the Work Day Has Ended… Steven Cesare, Ph.D. A business owner from Connecticut contacted me the other day to discuss his company’s communication procedures. As part of this process, […]
One of the biggest problems in many companies is a lack of accountability. This usually starts from the top and goes straight down through the organization. The question is, why […]
Five Bases of Power Steven Cesare, Ph.D. A business owner from California contacted me the other day to discuss continued organizational success. In response to impressive, sustained growth in revenue, […]
One of the biggest problems in many companies is a lack of accountability. This usually starts from the top and goes straight down through the organization. The question is, why […]
Cell Phone Time Keeping Application Steven Cesare, Ph.D. A landscaper from New Jersey contacted me the other day to talk about tracking non-exempt employees’ work time. Given the increased frequency […]
One of the biggest problems in many companies is a lack of accountability. This usually starts from the top and goes straight down through the organization. The question is, why […]
Employee Survey Overview Steven Cesare, Ph.D. A business owner from Indiana recently inquired about doing an attitude survey to gauge employees’ perceptions of the workplace. The business owner drafted some […]
“It takes money to make money” You’ve built a company that serves customers who want to buy your products and services. You’ve navigated through the start-up phase and now your […]
One of the biggest problems in many companies is a lack of accountability. This usually starts from the top and goes straight down through the organization. The question is, why […]
Show Up Early, So You Won’t Be Late to Work Steven Cesare, Ph.D. A business owner from Wisconsin called me the other day to revise his out-of-date Employee Handbook. One […]
Are you tired of your employees asking for more money when they aren’t doing anything different? Are you tired of people leaving your company because they believe the job to […]
Working capital is the amount of money a company needs to finance its daily operations. It comes straight from the balance sheet and so represents that moment in time. Managing […]
Duty-Free Meal Period Steven Cesare, Ph.D. A business owner from Florida called me the other day to talk about multiple timekeeping issues including drive time, overtime, and meal periods. During […]
There’s a library full of books on business and many are very good, others a waste of what we don’t have a huge supply of, time. So the Harvesters have […]
The Three Levels of Ownership Steven Cesare, Ph.D. A business owner from Colorado called me the other day to talk about various human resources issues. As the conversation unfolded, he […]
I recently had a confidential conversation with a landscaping business owner about selling his business on his own. He has two friendly competitors that have indicated an interest in buying […]
Many landscape companies fail to train their people, why? They say they don’t have time or the cost is too high. What is the result? Poor quality, inefficiency, lack of […]
Weighted Average Compensation Steven Cesare, Ph.D. A business owner from Kentucky called me the other day to discuss calculating compensation for an employee who performs two distinctly different jobs […]
The Harvest Group is sitting down with the PROs from the industry to find out the secrets to their success! Tune in to learn more from these professionals here! Landscape […]
Before Harvester Bill plays golf in sunny California he has an incredible tip for you landscapers out there. Ever wonder if each of your departments is making money each week, […]
In the days we’re living in, leadership, great leadership is essential. But what makes a great leader? Most owners probably think they are, at least good leaders. This week the […]
You can’t change the fundamentals, but you can put them in the best light. Now that I am zooming so many meetings, I was happy to learn that Zoom offers […]