MODIFIED DUTY Steven Cesare, Ph.D. A business owner from Ohio called me the other day to talk about his company’s safety program. Despite myriad onerous obligations OSHA has placed on […]
DECENTRALIZATION, DEVELOPMENT, DELEGATION Steven Cesare, Ph.D. An overwhelmed business owner from Illinois called me the other day to vent about how much responsibility confronts him on a daily basis. Doing […]
EMPLOYEE DEVELOPMENT PLANS Steven Cesare, Ph.D. A disheartened business owner from Virginia called me the other day to inform me that one of his top field employees just resigned. As […]
WORK-LIFE BALANCE Steven Cesare, Ph.D. A business owner from Colorado called me the other day to talk about her company’s evolving culture, vision, and purpose. Innately successful, the business owner […]
EMBEZZLEMENT Steven Cesare, Ph.D. A meticulous business owner in Texas called me the other day to talk about his company’s growth plan, impressive company culture, and implementation of increasingly mature […]
LET’S TALK VACATION Steven Cesare, Ph.D. This is the follow-up posting from my lengthy conversation about vacation, paid time off, and sick leave benefits with a business owner from Florida, […]
VACATION OR PTO? Steven Cesare, Ph.D. A business owner from the free state of Florida called me the other day to talk about his company’s Vacation Policy. During that discussion, […]
NO MORE, NON-COMPETE AGREEMENTS Steven Cesare, Ph.D. A business owner from Connecticut called me the other day to talk about various human resources issues like I-9 compliance, developing a legally […]
MY OPERATIONS MANAGER JUST WALKED OUT ON ME Steven Cesare, Ph.D. An industrious business owner from Minnesota called me the other day to talk about the recent event when […]
QUARTERLY OPERATIONAL REVIEWS Steven Cesare, Ph.D. A business owner from Wisconsin called me the other day to talk about the compelling need to increase operational efficiency (e.g., gross margin, […]
OSHA FINE$ Steven Cesare, Ph.D. A business owner from California called me the other day to talk about a letter he received. From OSHA. Sorry, “Return to Sender” does […]
THE TIME MANAGEMENT MATRIX Steven Cesare, Ph.D. A business owner from Colorado called me the other day to talk about his seemingly ever-increasing workload that now exceeds 70 hours […]
ONE SECOND Steven Cesare, Ph.D. A business owner from California called me the other day to talk about the worst possible event: a fatality. The event transpired as follows. […]