Account Manager Training Program
Harvesters Bill and Ed have created the first online comprehensive course on how to be a truly successful and valuable account manager.
Why we felt compelled to create this course because we’ve worked with hundreds of companies and none of them had even a basic training course, for debatably the most important position in the company!
- 12 Modules
- 150+ Lessons
- 16+ Hours of Content
- Supporting Tools
- Certificate of Completion – Substantiate your knowledge and experience when pursuing promotions and positions.
Want more details on what lessons and tools are included?
Download the detailed brochure here!
Many of the account managers we talked with were new to the company coming from other fields, i.e., teachers, property managers, general sales and were searching for information to help them be successful. They feared that if they couldn’t learn their job fast enough, they would be fired. Others were seasoned professionals that loved their jobs but had a difficult time meeting their enhancement sales or were so busy they were overcome with the number of calls and emails. They all searched for help.
The Harvesters saw the need and four years ago got to work producing knowledge for the new or seasoned account manager. We took a huge subject and broke it down into eleven modules with dozens of short video lessons. After each lesson, there is a short quiz to be sure they would understand the point of the lesson. The AM can take the module in any order as fast or as slow as they like. We warn you if you wanted to do the lessons in one sitting it would take more than 15 hours!
Be Successful Faster – A Roadmap to Your Career
This course standardizes account management concepts to help develop consistent operational procedures. The program talks much about how to communicate and build relationships with their customers and instructs them personally with a time management piece and what success behaviors look like for them.
When the account managers follow the lessons in the program their customers will recognize they are dealing with an experienced professional. As a result, they will gain greater success by getting the more important work done each day, selling more, retaining contracts longer and having truly happy customers that refer them.
Job Security: Increase YOUR Value to the Company
When you are performing at a higher level then your company is performing at a higher level. Be the employee that you would want working for you!
Account Manager FAQ
1. What is the Account Manager Training Program?
The Account Manager Training Program is an online comprehensive course designed to help account managers become successful and valuable in their roles. It covers various topics and provides knowledge and tools to enhance sales, build and sustain customer relationships, manage time effectively, handle client conflicts, ensure quality, and more.
2. Who created the Account Manager Training Program?
The program was created by Bill and Ed, known as Harvesters, who have extensive experience working with numerous companies. They noticed the lack of basic training courses for account managers, which led them to develop this comprehensive online program.
3. How many modules are included in the training program?
The training program consists of 12 modules in total. Each module focuses on a specific aspect of account management and contains multiple lessons.
4. What are some of the topics covered in the training program?
The training program covers a wide range of topics relevant to account managers, including selling enhancements, pricing and estimating, building and sustaining customer relationships, retaining and renewing client contracts, time management, client conflict resolution, quality management, successful job walkthroughs, success behaviors, job exits and turnovers, new job start-ups, and selling new jobs to existing customers.
5. How long is the training program?
The program offers over 18 hours of content, spread across 150+ lessons. It is designed to be flexible, allowing participants to complete the modules at their own pace.
6. Are there any supporting tools provided with the training program?
Yes, the training program provides various supporting tools to assist participants in their learning journey. These tools include templates, worksheets, sample documents, checklists, score sheets, and more. They are designed to help account managers apply the concepts learned in the lessons to their real-world situations.
7. Will I receive a certificate upon completion of the training program?
Yes, participants who successfully complete the Account Manager Training Program will receive a Certificate of Completion. This certificate can be used to substantiate their knowledge and experience when pursuing promotions or new positions.
8. Who can benefit from this training program?
The training program is designed for both new and seasoned account managers. It caters to individuals who are new to the role and need comprehensive training, as well as experienced professionals who want to enhance their skills, improve sales performance, and build stronger relationships with clients.
9. How will this training program help me in my role as an account manager?
The program aims to standardize account management concepts and provide consistent operational procedures. By following the lessons and implementing the strategies taught, you can enhance your performance, communicate effectively, build better relationships with clients, manage your time efficiently, handle conflicts, ensure quality, and increase your value to the company.
10. Is the training program self-paced?
Yes, the training program is self-paced, allowing participants to learn at their own convenience. You can choose the order in which you take the modules and complete the lessons according to your preferred schedule.
11. Can I access the training program materials after completing the course?
Yes, participants will have access to the training program materials even after completing the course. This allows you to refer back to the lessons, tools, and resources whenever you need them.
12. How can I enroll in the Account Manager Training Program?
To enroll in the training program, you can visit the Harvest Learning Center website or follow the provided instructions for registration. The website should have further details on how to sign up and get started with the program.
13. How long do we get access to this course?
The membership last for 12 months. We did recently start offering an option for renewal at only $150.00 per user for each additional year.
14. How do I renew my Account Manager Training Course membership?
You must be logged in to your account and then you will need to navigate to the Shop section of our website. From there you will be able to find the Renewal of Account Manager Training Course for $150. If you originally set up a group purchase, please reach out to Harvest Chris for renewal.
15. Can I monitor the progress of my employees?
Yes! When signing up, select “Group” when adding to the cart. It will give you an option to name your group (please name it your company name) and then finish processing the order. Once you have completed your order, just navigate to your account and select Group Registration on the left-hand side. From there, you will be able to add users, remove users, and see how they are progressing through the course.
16. How do we measure the success of the course?
There is a GROW Card Tool included with the program that will act as a measurement tool that will help measure some of the expected results and outcomes of skills gained while taking the course. We also recommend using the standard key performance indicators within your business to identify successes.
Ready to take the course?

Don’t Take Our Word For It
Having our employees learn this material from a trusted resource helps to back up our values, methods, operating procedures and industry best practices. It has allowed for increased communication and a better understanding of what the job entails. It’s provided the employee with a solid career path and, when he’s ready to step into the role full time, he will be better prepared. The customers are already winning because they are receiving better service. The company is winning as the workload is more evenly shared. The employee is winning because he is being challenged, getting immediate feedback on his progress and has the long-term opportunity to advance his career and increase his earning potential.
Don’t fool yourself that this is just a program for the “big boys (and gals)!” If you are a company of any size, with employees who have the ambition to grow themselves and grow in the industry then this is for you. This is a great investment of time and money.
Rick Longnecker
Buds & Blades Landscape Company
Do you need a training program for your Account Managers?
Check Out A Few Lessons Right Here!
Don’t Take Our Word For It
To some more experienced managers, this definitely was a great refresher course. For the newer managers, this was certainly an eye-opener. A great deal of pertinent information is shared in this online training course. The account manager training course allows you to go at your own pace. Trust me though, once you get started you’ll want to keep going to take it all in quickly and start putting this information into play. There’s that much information that applies to what we all do.
In our opinion, when this position is worked to its fullest, this role just might be the busiest position within a landscape company. So much is expected from an account manager today. It is imperative we have strong people in these roles building the relationships that are needed to compete in today’s marketplace.
Harvesters Bill, Ed and Fred speak from years of experience. They touch on all aspects needed from a strong manager in this vital account manager position. It is well worth the investment!
Craig Mohns
Vice President
Benchmark Landscape
Interested in a great solution to train your Account Managers?
Account Managers
- The course will give you greater self-esteem because you will be more competent and professional in your job.
- The course will give you greater proficiency so you will be in line for promotions in your company.
- You will become more valuable in every way to your company, which will translate into more money for your company and for you.
Business Owners
- You will be able to hire from a broader range of people, even without experience, knowing they can learn much of what they need from this course.
- The investment in this course will help newly hired account managers and even seasoned account managers sharpen their skills.
- You may want to take this course so when hiring account managers in the future, you will be able to evaluate candidates even better.
We are so confident that you will feel you have gotten tremendous value for your money for our account manager course, we are willing to offer you a 100% money-back guarantee within the first 30days if you don’t think it’s worth it!
A Small Investment with a Great Return!
What Others Are Saying
Before our release, we decided to test the first module on a dozen or so account managers, the subject was How To Sell Enhancement Work.
Drew, an account manager in Florida said,
“ It was great, engaging, I took a ton of notes, some of it reaffirmed what I knew but…. well…. all I can say is, I’m going to learn a lot and implement much of what I learned.”
He then added,
“I think area managers, plant health care managers, production managers and irrigation managers should all take this course.”
I asked him how he liked to consume the course content which he replied,
“ I didn’t watch videos daily, mostly three or four at a time but five was my limit. Too much to take in at one time.”
I saved the BIG question for last, I asked him if he was selling more work as a result of the course, he responded,
“YES and I’m looking forward to take the rest of the course, when will it be available?”
Learn From The Harvesters!

Bill Arman
worked for and helped grow one of the biggest landscape outfits in the country. He’s seen how the big boys do it, how their systems and structures work. So his know-how is rooted in recruiting, hiring, training and growing great people—that along with quality assurance. Bill, alone, has gone on 15,000 quality site visits in his career. Nobody else has that, not that we know of anyway. He received Lawn and Landscape/ Bayer Environmental Science's 2006 Leadership Award. Read Bill's full bio.

Ed Laflamme LIC
started his own business from scratch, built it up, sold it and then wrote a book about how he did it. So, he’s been there. He understands your frustrations, worries and concerns. Some of you may want to buy companies, while others may want to sell the one you own. You need expert assessment and guidance before you can move forward. Ed has experience in this area. He is recognized as a CLP: Certified Landscape Professional. Read Ed's full bio.
Harvester Chris Darnell
If closing sales in the digital era feels as though it eludes you, you’re not alone. In a day and age where it’s nearly impossible to get valuable face-time anymore, even the most successful “closers” in the Landscape and Snow Removal Industry say they’ve had to adapt their strategies to succeed. Of course, keeping up with the everchanging digital environmental is no small feat. On top of all of the other responsibilities, you have in running your business, developing a sales and marketing strategy that is adapted to the newest technology—and will be able to reach clients of younger generations—may sound downright overwhelming.