Not only is it difficult to find, hire and onboard good people,
but keeping the good ones has proven to be equally

Watch this short video where Harvester Bill interviews
Ryan at LANDSCAPES 21 in Louisville just a few weeks
ago. Bill was the “champion” of his table
moderating a discussion on how to retain employees. And,
boy were there some good ideas exchanged!

If you are looking to better your retention program, this
video will get your juices flowing. Hopefully these ideas
will help you, Harvest Your Potential.


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Ed Laflamme LIC

started his own business from scratch, built it up, sold it and then wrote a book about how he did it. So, he’s been there. He understands your frustrations, worries and concerns. Some of you may want to buy companies, while others may want to sell the one you own. You need expert assessment and guidance before you can move forward. Ed has experience in this area. He is recognized as a CLP: Certified Landscape Professional. Read Ed's full bio.