Step 4 In Finding Your GM: Execute Efficiently


Last week the Harvesters talked about how to price
right by marking up your costs correctly. That was in
Step 3.

This week, Harvesters Bill and Ed discuss one of the last parts
to the puzzle — execute your jobs efficiently.
You can estimate and price correctly, but if the jobs aren’t
being done efficiently, then the gross margins will be low
and you can easily lose money on the job.

Check out Part 4 in our series. It’s one of the most difficult for
contractors to accomplish, but once they do they’ll be well
on their way to, Harvesting Their Potential.

P.S. If you want to learn about this subject faster and in
even more detail just click this link to get to the

Harvest Way Academy


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Ed Laflamme LIC

started his own business from scratch, built it up, sold it and then wrote a book about how he did it. So, he’s been there. He understands your frustrations, worries and concerns. Some of you may want to buy companies, while others may want to sell the one you own. You need expert assessment and guidance before you can move forward. Ed has experience in this area. He is recognized as a CLP: Certified Landscape Professional. Read Ed's full bio.