Why You Need to Take Care of Your Mental Wellness, Especially When Selling Your Company And some of the “latest trends” in taking time for mental wellness. We’ve seen the […]
Category: Harvest The Green
Why can’t I sell my business? Let’s get REALISTIC. Have you received numerous letters and emails offering to buy your business? If you haven’t, I expect you are in the […]
How to Improve the Salability of a “smaller” landscaping business Last week a business owner asked me what he could do to improve the salability of his small landscaping business. […]
What is the proper span of control? Are we organized to achieve profitable growth? Thoughts about a healthy company’s organization. Span of control in business describes the number of employees […]
“How dependent is the business on you?” A key question from the buyer of a going concern. The ideal answer in most cases is that it is not dependent on […]
What Does Your Company’s Website “Say” About You? Your prospects, customers, and employees check it. Potential buyers of your company do too. When you hear about some new product or […]
It’s Still a Sellers’ Market Despite Economic Challenges First Quarter 2022 Market Pulse Results While concerns such as global conflict, rising inflation, labor shortages and supply chain issues continued to […]
Check Your Sources on “Facts” – and I don’t mean look it up on Google! Who is fact-checking the information you are using to make decisions? Don’t you hate it […]
Do you have a Risky Business? The value of your business is tied to the future cash flow that the business is expected to generate, specifically adjusted to how you […]
The Dangers Of Oversimplifying Your Company’s Valuation Question It’s always a pleasure to speak with a landscaping company owner who has read something I have written, and who has engaging […]
All together now – for a purpose! One of my pet peeves left over from my corporate America experience is the overuse of meetings to simply share information. Imagine the […]
Did You Know That Your Replacement Plan For Key People Will Affect The “Salability” Of Your Company? By now, most landscaping company owners who are considering a sale of their […]
Sellers, do you have a buyer? Don’t assume the answer is yes. And, if you don’t, what can you do about it? Even in “Seller’s Markets,” there are some landscape […]
Thinking of Selling Your Company? Here are the answers to the top five questions sellers ask me most. In all cases, I could answer “It depends”. But, for the […]
Work In The Present To deal with fear and uncertainty during a period of change, focus on what you can control. In my previous post, “Never Lie,” the VP […]
What should I tell my VP of Sales who just told me he heard our company is for sale? These days there are plenty of reasons for your employees to […]
How do buyers find companies for sale, anyway? I am often asked by landscape business owners about how a potential buyer makes decisions about which companies they are interested in […]
How to interpret an offer (in the form of an Indication of Interest or Letter of Intent) Before you receive a preliminary offer letter from a potential buyer, you […]
Looking at a blank space with no infrastructure, no trees or boundaries leaves me wondering where to start. I am the same way with a blank piece of paper. I […]
No, I wasn’t watching the 60s TV version, but I hear the beginning of that show when we are trying to catch old Alfred Hitchcock plays. The Fugitive is always […]
Results of the quarterly IBBA and M&A Source Market Pulse Survey for businesses being sold (all industries) in the Main Street (values $0-$2MM) and the lower middle market (values $2MM […]
First Remove the Dead, Diseased, and Damaged Pruning and training concepts for your company’s good health. Spring can’t be too far away when I hear the buzzing of chain saws […]
A few weeks ago, a landscape business owner (let’s call him Harry) contacted me to reconnect and let me know that he wanted to purchase one or more companies that […]
Some basic guidelines for “normalizing and adjusting” financial statements. If you are looking into the possibility of selling your company, you may have heard about something called “normalizing” or adjusting […]
When was the Last Time You Checked your Buy-Sell Agreement? Most of us have been in a relationship that started off well and got so much better that we decided […]