Every company has issues, some big some small. Some owners and managers are good at solving them, others, well, not so much. Can you think of unresolved issues in your […]
Spring is in the air and hopefully, for you, that means you will start new jobs. But what happens when you start a new job? Is this your scenario? You […]
The Harvesters are going to talk today about one of the essential things to do in your landscaping business, KEEP SCORE! Business is like playing a game, would you play […]
No matter what part of the country you are in there is competition. The question is, why should potential customers pick your company for their work and not your competitors? […]
Just because you own a company doesn’t mean you are automatically a good leader! While owners need to know how to manage, they also need to understand how to lead their […]
The Harvesters have noted that over the years many companies don’t think great proposals are important. Whether in residential or commercial work many zip off one sheet proposals to their […]
We have so many distractions throughout the day, emails, texts, phone calls, interruptions of all kind…it’s difficult to focus. But one thing great leaders have in common, they focus, when […]
The Harvesters are talking with Matt, the owner of a landscape and snow company in Vermont. He agreed that everyone’s biggest problem is finding the right people. Watch this brief clip […]
The Harvesters were out early watching the morning dispatch at Maple Hill Landscape in Maryland. This is a weakness in many companies that can result in hundreds if not thousands […]
The Harvesters are with Bobby and Lauren owners of Maple Hill Lawn & Garden in Maryland. These folks are one of the three companies in the “Turnaround Tour” for 2019. The […]
Watch this episode where Harvesters Bill & Ed explain gross margin concepts and more to Lauren and Bob White of Maple Hill Lawn & Garden from Maryland. This is a […]
The Harvesters asked new clients if they have a written vision and they report that not even 1 out of 100 do. A company vision is a “clear mental picture […]
Business environments are getting more and more competitive every day. As a young entrepreneur, I know first hand the struggles of growing and managing a small business. While these challenges […]
One of the top 5 recruiting tools a company can have is a career ladder. Not only does it help in attracting great people but it keeps them loyal as […]
This week watch Harvesters Fred & Ed remind us of two of the main keys to business success. If you don’t practice these your business will have great difficulty. As […]
Harvester Bill is at LANDSCAPES-18 in Louisville, KY, talking with Kevin of Todd’s Services from Hamburg, Michigan. Kevin sat at Harvester Bill’s table with the subject of, How to Retain Employees. […]
Harvester Fred is at LANDSCAPES-18 in Louisville, KY, speaking with Billy Chevalier owner of Environmental Land Works. Billy was at Fred’s table where they talked about Peer Groups and how […]
The Harvesters are at LANDSCAPES-18 at the Exmark booth in Louisville and Loyd is showing them their new stand on mower called the Exmark Staris. Now the Harvesters rarely promote products […]
Harvester Ed talks with Danielle from Northern California, she sat in on his table at LANDSCAPES-18 in Louisville where his table topic was “How to get unstuck and rise to the […]
This week look in with Harvester Ed as he interviews Ivan Vila, President of VisualScape, Inc., out of Miami, FL. They are at LANDSCAPES-18 at the Breakfast of Champions. The […]
Have you listened to your voicemail message on your personal phone and/or office? What do your clients hear before they leave their message? When you leave messages on other peoples […]
The LANDSCAPES ‘18 and GIE + EXPO in Louisville, KY, is a great combination conference and trade show to meet new people and gain new knowledge to help you run […]
Who said there is nothing new under the sun, oh yes there is, cordless commercial electric equipment! Check out Harvester Chris as he gets a demo of the new commercial EGO […]
Human Resources Year-End Review: Legal Compliance Topics Steven Cesare, Ph.D. With the end of another calendar year fast approaching, it is an apt time to put down the eggnog, stop […]
Take it from an expert – solving the recruiting puzzle. You won’t believe who The Harvesters met on the trade show floor at Landscapes 2018 in Louisville. None other than entrepreneur […]