A lot of business owners ask me about selling to their children who are involved in the business, or to their management team that helped them grow the company. Many […]
Category: Harvest The Green
Getting started can be the hardest part of a project. Take that first step to find it’s easier than you think. We all procrastinate – especially on those things that […]
While we won’t be having any parties at our house this Christmas season, I’m enjoying memories of family members present and past through food and drink traditions. I thought you […]
In last week’s blog, I shared a list of effective methods used by super successful volunteer organizations to recruit and keep hundreds/thousands of dedicated contributors engaged year-after-year. There are a […]
Wouldn’t it be great to tap into a source of free labor that is dedicated to helping you drive your organization forward? How about more than 1,000 full-time employees in […]
Labor Issues, Deal Flow and Valuations in the Main Street and Lower Middle Market (enterprise values up to $2MM and from $2-50MM.) The IBBA and M&A Source Market Pulse survey […]
A few weekends ago a large group of our family gathered to celebrate together for the first time in a long while. (Since COVID started over a year ago.) We […]
Most of the landscape business owners I speak with have been preparing informally for their exit from the business for years. They have been putting money aside, making investments, and […]
I Saw a Man Pursuing the Horizon by Stephen Crane I saw a man pursuing the horizon; Round and round they sped. I was disturbed at this; I accosted the […]
The executive/leadership team’s value Part 2 of 2 – How should you pay your executives to help you get there? In last week’s blog, we covered the variety of exit […]
Preparing your company for your exit strategy? Part I of 2 –When/How is the leadership team important? If you are one of the many thousands of baby boomers who built […]
For Main Street (enterprise value $0-$2M) and Lower Middle Market Businesses ($2M – $50M) Input from business advisers* surveyed this quarter reinforces the message that the current M&A market […]
I remember hearing a speaker ask a group of about 100 high-achieving salespeople this question. For some reason, they talked all around the answer, but no one offered the answer […]
Over the past 18 months, I have spoken to many landscape company owners who have found that the disruption of the COVID protocols acted as a catalyst for positive change […]
Follow best practices if you want to get the best value for your company. September is a great time to take a fresh look at your business. You have August […]
It’s a risky world for most people. Although we in the U.S. are (mostly) free from worrying about where the essentials are coming from, we are all exposed to […]
A few weeks ago, I was talking with a very successful landscape business owner who, like most in his position, has been inundated with offers from brokers to sell his […]
A couple of decades ago I had the great fortune to work as part of a team of really “STRONG” personalities. Five men, one woman. Did I learn a lot […]
Didn’t you love the Olympics coverage of all the equestrian events? What? You didn’t see any? No surprise, really. Unless you are seeking them out, it would be difficult to […]
I recently had a discussion with a client about paving material choices for a large, old property with many beautiful existing gardens (it is now a non-profit enterprise) that receives […]
How well is your company doing compared to your peers? Are you in the top 5 percent? If so, your company might be worth more than others. Think about this […]
Last Sunday afternoon I was driving with my husband in a big parking lot and came extremely close to hitting not one but TWO individuals. I’m sure you’re not surprised […]
It’s been a busy season and your day-to-day activities have probably been your primary focus. Now that we’ve hit the mid-year mark, have you looked at how you are doing […]
Just in the past two weeks I’ve spoken to several business owners who said: “…I wish I had started thinking about this five years ago…” I wish they did too. […]
Just before we left for a Memorial Day mini-vacation, I was speaking to a business owner whose company did $1.5 million revenue in 2020. He is planning for his exit […]