Working capital is the amount of money a company needs to finance its daily operations. It comes straight from the balance sheet and so represents that moment in time. Managing […]
Duty-Free Meal Period Steven Cesare, Ph.D. A business owner from Florida called me the other day to talk about multiple timekeeping issues including drive time, overtime, and meal periods. During […]
There’s a library full of books on business and many are very good, others a waste of what we don’t have a huge supply of, time. So the Harvesters have […]
The Three Levels of Ownership Steven Cesare, Ph.D. A business owner from Colorado called me the other day to talk about various human resources issues. As the conversation unfolded, he […]
I recently had a confidential conversation with a landscaping business owner about selling his business on his own. He has two friendly competitors that have indicated an interest in buying […]
Many landscape companies fail to train their people, why? They say they don’t have time or the cost is too high. What is the result? Poor quality, inefficiency, lack of […]
Weighted Average Compensation Steven Cesare, Ph.D. A business owner from Kentucky called me the other day to discuss calculating compensation for an employee who performs two distinctly different jobs […]
The Harvest Group is sitting down with the PROs from the industry to find out the secrets to their success! Tune in to learn more from these professionals here! Landscape […]
Before Harvester Bill plays golf in sunny California he has an incredible tip for you landscapers out there. Ever wonder if each of your departments is making money each week, […]
In the days we’re living in, leadership, great leadership is essential. But what makes a great leader? Most owners probably think they are, at least good leaders. This week the […]
You can’t change the fundamentals, but you can put them in the best light. Now that I am zooming so many meetings, I was happy to learn that Zoom offers […]
Always Have 2-on-1 for Employee Discipline Steven Cesare, Ph.D. The other day, a business owner from the state of Minnesota contacted me to discuss an employee disciplinary issue. In general, […]
Employees at the Liquor Store While on Company Time Steven Cesare, Ph.D. The other day, a business owner from Delaware contacted me to discuss a policy issue. The owner had […]
Read the Facts We’ve been sharing opinions from a variety of sources (including our own) about the likely impact of COVID-19 on the market for buying and selling landscaping companies. […]
We are in the busiest time of the year and many landscape professionals are feeling overwhelmed, others are busy but all is under control. The difference? Systems. Watch as the Harvesters […]
Commissions for a Terminated Salesperson Steven Cesare, Ph.D. I was recently contacted by a business owner from California regarding his understanding of commission payments for a salesperson who would soon […]
Thinking about selling your landscaping business? Who, if anyone, should you get to help you with that Big Project? Have you heard the term business broker or M & A […]
It’s that time of year when some of the new people you hired are not working out. Or, you’ve decided it’s time to terminate that “sacred cow”, that’s been with […]
Designing Equipment Safety Training Steven Cesare, Ph.D. A business owner from Massachusetts contacted me the other day to begin a thorough attempt at developing in-house equipment safety training initially intended […]
In the video, this week Harvester Bill talks about seeking and taking good counsel. That’s really good advice. Now you know that the Harvesters are consultants right, but can you […]
Preparing for Sale Thinking about selling your landscaping business? Who should you get to help you with this most important event in your/your business’ life? When you start researching you […]
Become Familiar with Personal Liability and What it Means for You Steven Cesare, Ph.D. A business owner from California asked a question of me the other day regarding the degree […]
Honkers and Windbreakers Why do geese fly across the sky in their strictly patterned V formation? Why do they honk as they fly through the air? The geese form a […]
We are definitely in one of the most difficult situations in modern history. Owners and managers out there, the answer is to communicate with your customers. Sometimes people react without […]
Discrimination Based on Micro-Aggressions Steven Cesare, Ph.D. A business owner from Colorado called me recently to say that he just received a complaint from one of his field employees alleging […]